Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Grindstone Lake

One of the top items on my "to do" list here in Ruidosowas do a lot of hiking. Al and I did some overnight backpacking a few years back.  This are is full of trails, both rustic and developed. 

Yesterday we checked out the Grindstone Lake Trail located just a few miles from where we are.

This is a local fishing hole and not just for Ruidosians. There was a pair of Osprey at the lake. 

This one was on the shore and the other was circling above

Of course afterwards there was the obligatory "reward". An adult beverage at Inn of the Mountain Gods 
What a view. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Apple boy

A trip to High Rolls today for the annual apple festival was suppose to net us some fresh cider and fresh apples, apple pies, apple turnovers, maybe some apple butter?  

Turns out the festival was more of an arts and craft Faire. 

The drive was pretty and we came across this Apple Boy located at the Old Apple Barn Store where you could purchase just about anything with your name on it, pencils, bracelets, key chains, bedroom door signs. You know the kind of trinkets I'm talking about. 

I need to find the real crafts that aren't geared to the tourists passing through. Another item I'll add to my "to do" list

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Remember that time I said "I'm tired of sitting at a desk. I want to get off my a@@ and do some real labor". Today was that day. 

Brenda prides herself on having a well kept, beautiful park for people to visit. The pictures on the website don't show how pretty this park is. We'll work on that.  I need stronger arms and shoulders, I'll work on that too. Life is good and ibuprofen is my friend. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Remember when you said "someday, when I have time I'm gonna....."  well now is my someday. I've not hit the point yet where this isn't feeling like a vacation and I'll be packing up to head home soon, back to the grind. 

I left Texas with a huge to do list. First and foremost on the list was to be still. To sit with myself. Without phones, or needing to have answers or watching a clock. I imagined how I would fill my time what I didn't count on was how much of it there is when you don't have a set schedule.  I may just throw out the to do list and just do.