Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Remember that time I said "I'm tired of sitting at a desk. I want to get off my a@@ and do some real labor". Today was that day. 

Brenda prides herself on having a well kept, beautiful park for people to visit. The pictures on the website don't show how pretty this park is. We'll work on that.  I need stronger arms and shoulders, I'll work on that too. Life is good and ibuprofen is my friend. 


  1. I should have let you warm up at my place ; )

  2. I am so happy for you girl - you could not be in a more pictorial place. Are you going to call the RV park home or will you purchase / rend a place?

    1. @ Sondra the RV is home for now. We're here til March 1st for sure and we'll decide after that if we want to stay on or try a new adventure.

  3. Cheryl, I am so happy for you guys and can't wait to come visit for Christmas. I like the blog, great idea.
